Risc World 3
Risc World 3.iso
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Text File
299 lines
!JSW - History
< 1.00 (unreleased)
1.00, 29/05/94 [release]
Has a companion application for datafile storage.
1.01, 07/06/94
Datafile storage now in main application. Animation bug almost fixed.
1.02, 14/06/94 [release]
Animation bug fixed!
Options window & file added (immune, fade, fast flags), with defaults.
'Clear unused data' option added.
Saves/restores sound channel information.
JSW_Game file format now contains the file format version number & author's
name. Error stating minimum version number if attempt made to load a file
saved using a newer version into an older version. Some sprites in the two
supplied game files have been tweaked a bit.
Screen redraw sped up by about 30%; message scroller by 50%. (Due to
excessive time required for tune playing, particularly ARM2 & ARM250).
Uses custom mode 47, which selects a VIDC data table appropriate to the
monitor type, and reduces the memory & (if no VRAM) bandwidth requirements.
Source is included.
The standard monitor data HAS been tested and works perfectly with my TV.
1.03, 18/6/94
Territory support (as configured by *Configure Territory) added. See end for
file list. If a file is missing, the UK default is used.
Can now handle the new 'deep' sprite format.
Arrows now implemented.
1.10, 19/6/94
New 'goto' box; menu ('thumbnail' window) reorganised for this. Room file
now contains arrow information.
1.11, 28/6/94
A3010 joystick support added.
1.12, 30/6/94
Help text bug fixed ('Edit' in room editing menu); the "Move pointer right
to..." bits sorted out - credit due here to Michael Rozdoba for something I
should have thought of myself!
Minor editor bug fixed, joystick code debugged.
1.13, 7/7/94
Three files added to !JSW.Resources.UK and corresponding sprites deleted.
See list at end.
1.14, 18/7/94
Hi-res sprites added for editor. Resolution used determined by the screen
mode when !JSW is loaded. File sprites also given 3D appearance.
1.15, 3/8/94
Single stepping added to "test game" mode.
1.16, 6/8/94
Event code implemented. Game file format modified.
1.17, 11/8/94
Screen display improved for VGA monitors and better. Some help text added
for event editing. Tune converted from Maestro format; player routine
rewritten in assembler for speed.
Game file format modified.
* a, 16/8/94 [release]
Nasty bugs fixed along with a few other minor problems.
1.18, 4/9/94 [release]
Event editing mode: now traps clicks on room editing window for coordinates
and monster numbers. Map editing menu also substituted for room editing menu.
Game: demo mode added, starting at end of scrolltext, which is restarted
when all the *named* rooms have been shown. Events are ignored.
No other functional changes.
1.19, 25/9/94 [release]
Bug fixes: arrows travelling left now kill, teleport works correctly again,
and non-scrolling non-player-moving events now allowed in demo mode.
1.20, 17/11/94 [release]
Objects per room limit raised to 16. Added loading screen.
Fixes: 'Clear room' objects bug, startup bug (several apps together).
Game file format modified.
1.21, 21/11/94
Extra tunes! Extra option in options dbox and file. Fixed init so that just
enough space is claimed for indirected text. Also: 'fade' code sped up by
about 11%, and some file squashing.
1.22, 24/11/94
Tunes now in one file: first part containing names and file offsets
(measured from start of second part), null, second part containing squashed
tune data. Tunes stored in ascending file offset order.
Sprite compression in "Resources.UK" now run-length encoding. See end.
1.23, 28/11/94
Event code improved to allow current room to be affected by all objects
having been collected in *another* room. Fixed editor rope bug.
1.24, 1/12/94
Added option to tweak sound for VGA monitors. Had a few hours using a
multisync monitor (Taxan 1075 configured as VGA) - the large VGA mode now
works correctly, though the small mode appeared scrambled :-(
1.25, 24/2/95
* Definitely doesn't support RO2 now. Probably hasn't for a while though ;-)
Minor tweaks. Tunes were running slightly too fast...
1.26, 4/3/95
Volume and speaker control added. Fixed the RAM-transfer bugs, well the main
ones anyway. Added features to export current animation sequence, export
current scenery blocks, and save current room, all via icons.
1.27, 18/3/95
Definition change: 'Alter monster bounds' uses absolute coordinates (top
left of monster, from top left of room). Game file format modified.
Added drag-repositioning of monsters and bounding boxes; map window clicking
extended to 'alter monster bounds' event type.
Removed 'feature' allowing use of non-"X sets frame number" animation
sequences for Miner Willy.
Converted editor room replot to machine code; rope movement bounds shown if
rope present in room.
Minor fixes to RAM load code - worked with !Paint but not !Zap, then !Zap
but not !Paint... now works with both - should now be NO problems :-]
Bug fixes in game - events correctly reinitialised when life lost, and guard
sprite correctly removed. Event code sped up.
Patch for DragASprite 0.03 ("JSW:Resources.DragSprFix") to fix the 'vertical
top' alignment bug and the 256-colour support problem - long-winded due to a
bug in Wimp_ReadPixTrans, which, if corrected, would cause this one to cause
a crash... nice one Acorn!
1.28, 19/4/95
Added option to force CGA (TV) mode. Modified modes module to handle this.
1.29, 27/4/95
Fixed teleport editing bugs (redraw on abandon) and introduced 'move source
by selecting destination first'.
1.30, 1/5/95 [release]
Fixed bug in monster move event code (was setting x to 0 regardless).
1.31, 27/5/95
Additions: line/box drawing, and editable map block types. Game file format modified.
Several minor bug fixes ('Save' submenu click, editor hidden objects, clear
unused data, Y scrollbar on map editing window, event editing monster plot
and 'Current' button, ...)
1.32, 29/5/95
Extra block types - escalators, disintegrating platforms. Diagonal fall (on
completion) bug fixed. Indexed the help file.
1.33, 12/6/95
Extended 'scroll & move' event to allow partial scroll. Removed 'move'
restriction - is now optional, and may be in same room.
Music volume now implemented correctly in choices dbox.
Game file format modified.
1.34, 18/6/95
Now displays total number of objects while playing game; sound FX when no
tune is selected. Editor tidied up so that 'restore room' does so for *all*
aspects of the current room. Wimp_TextOp for menu widths for Risc PC users.
Fixed 'export current room scenery sprites' for editable block types.
Bug fixes: rope 'exit above?' bug; lift (when jumping on it); event enable &
disable code; events on entry to room now handle objects collected in another
room; all events now correctly handle object collection; 'set monster bounds'
(coord click) and 'OK'/'Cancel' (Adjust) in event editor; 'clear unused
data'; save/load current room; RMFaster on startup. Also some event
triggering optimisation.
1.35, 8/7/95 [release]
- added 'No X' & 'No Y' flags to position triggers for events;
- added 'bounce' controls and 'every other' option for monster movement;
- click on blank area to bring event / room window to front.
Game file format modified.
StrongHelp 2 manual added; main menu modified for this.
1.36, 11/8/95
New intro sprite; new/old chosen at random, force choice by pressing 1 or 2.
Some bug fixes - click on blank area in event editing window works properly;
'Player' option in event editor selectable again.
1.37, 22/8/95
At last! The Risc PC screen mode problem is fixed! Well partially anyway...
Added Spectrum-style rope climbing (optional).
1.38, 29/9/95
Game file format modified. Added:
- 'turn type' flag, initially for the 'JetSet' game file;
- option to pulse the collectables (display);
- option for Manic Miner-like sinking platforms (display).
Tunes tweaked slightly, with help from Richard Hallas.
1.39, 15/10/95 [release]
Game file format modified. Added:
- rope top positioning (range -63 to +63, relative to central position);
- background sprites, with appropriate changes to scenery plotting;
- vertical scrolling of background sprites (optional);
- arrow firing sound effect.
Other changes:
- lift code altered - no longer deletes scenery;
- redraw code vastly changed (now redraws whole screen on the fly);
- now forces Squash to use its faster routines.
Vast numbers of bug fixes.
Update, 5 Nov: Break changed to Esc / Ctrl-Esc.
1.40, 16/11/95
Game file format modified. Added:
- switches (one per room, four orientations, four types).
Other changes:
- teleport editing code now more flexible (error messages removed).
1.41, 6/12/95 [release full of bugs]
Game file format modified. Added:
- 48 extra objects per room.
1.42, 2/2/96 [release]
Eliminated two file types (&1C2, &1C3) - merged with &1C1, now called
'JSW_Data'. Recognition is done by file type and length, much as before.
'JetSet' moved to JSWfiles directory.
Large numbers of v1.41 'features' fixed.
Bug fixes in 'load room data' code, and in RAM transfer code.
Alteration to jumping mechanism wrt stairs: now works more like the original
JSW - ie. can jump through from 4¼ or 4½ blocks away.
1.43, 13/5/96 [release]
Can now use standard screen modes, 13 and 49 (which may require GameModes).
Bug fixes (as posted on comp.sys.acorn.games & uploaded to Demon) applied.
Failure to reset previous sound state after using sound effects appears to
be fixed.
Help text internationalised.
* a, 26/6/96 [release]; b, 3/8/96 [release]
Minor bug fixes.
Option Default Supplied
——————————————— —————————— ————————————————
Temp. immunity On On
Spectrum ropes Off Off
Pulse effect On On
Sinking effect Off Off
Use fade effect On Off
Use full VGA Off On
Fix VGA sound On On
Force CGA mode Off Off
Use std modes Off Off
Bgnd scrolling None Down
Speed Slow Fast
Tune (Sound FX) Moonlight Sonata
Sound On On
Volume 127 127
Screen modes
The modes used by !JSW are UNOFFICIAL.
Mode: 32 47
Text: 40×50 40×25
Pixels: 320×400 320×200
OS units: 1280×800 1280×800
Colours: 256 256
Memory: 125K 62.5K
50Hz: n/a 3.20M/s
60Hz: 7.68M/s 3.84M/s
M/s - millions of bytes per second
Modes 32 and 47 work without problems on my Taxan 775; should work without
problems on other multisyncs, and on VGA and SVGA monitors. If the Risc PC
versions of these modes don't work properly, well you *do* have the MDFs...
Territory-specific files
Templates2 - 'old look' templates
Templates3 - 'new look' templates
Messages - messages file
Scroll - scrolltext
GameOver - packed sprite
Paused - packed sprite
WellDone - packed sprite
Packed sprite format
Source sprite is 128*128 in 256 colours (old palette).
Data format is:
(length, data), (length, data)...
length -ve: data is a sequence of -(length) bytes
length +ve: data is one byte repeated (length) times.
Zero length is unused.
"I just found the last bug."